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Process of sculpture creation is a delicate and painstaking process. It consists from several stages: design, creation of the basic model, modelling and creation of a wax model, casting and stamping of metal. Sculpture can be accomplished in different materials.

Then, it goes through a complicated process of modelling of the wax model and casting of the final bronze product.


The last step is the completion and cleaning of a metal installation of the product on the stone stands. Such materials as polymers, resins, acrylics, plaster and others are used as well.  They do not have a big value compared to metals, and are used primarily for creation of temporary decorations layouts and elements.


Sculpted seasonal events cause special interest to a viewer. Summer is full of festivals of sand sculpture. Sculpture which is made of such material as sand is easy and pleasant. This is fresh air, the sun, the sea of inspiration. Winter is a time of various competitions and festivals of snow and ice sculpture that raises particular attention, especially during the Christmas.

Sculpture is a complex, creative process that requires physical and intellectual work. This often takes a long time to create a single sculpture. Several people such as casters, modellers and engravers are usually involving in the process. Only a cohesive work can give the desired result and attract the viewer.